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13-17, 2009

Results of the student scientific conference «Oil ang gas - 2009»

  • More than 400 participants More than 400 students, postgraduates, young scientists and industry specialists took part in «Oil and Gas - 2009»
  • More than 20 industry organizations In 2009, the conference was attended by representatives of 23 universities and industry organizations from Russia and abroad
  • More than 300
    scientific reports
    During the plenary and breakout sessions «Oil and Gas - 2009», more than 300 reports were heard in 15 areas

On April 13-17, 2009, the 63rd Student Scientific Conference «Oil and Gas-2009» was held at the Gubkin University in Moscow.

This year, 570 reports were submitted to the conference in ten sections. In addition to representatives from Gubkin University the conference was attended by students and postgraduates from other Russian universities:
Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, FA under the Government of the Russian Federation, universities and faculties of oil and gas profile from Almetyevsk, Astrakhan, Volgograd, Kazan, Krasnodar, Omsk, Perm, Saratov, St. Petersburg, Tyumen, Izhevsk, Ufa, Ukhta, Yekaterinburg; foreign universities: Uzbekistan, Norway.

The plenary session was addressed by: Rector of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas V. G. Martynov, Professor of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas A.V. Lobusev, member of the Board of the International Fuel and Energy Association M. N. Gaikazov, member of the Council of the University's Student Scientific Association I. I. Slezin.

The conference worked in the following areas::

1. Geology, search and exploration of oil and gas fields;
2. Development of oil and gas fields, drilling of wells
3. Design, construction and operation of pipeline transport systems;
4. Engineering and applied mechanics of the oil and gas complex;
5. Chemical technologies and ecology in the oil and gas industry;
6. Automation and computer technology in the oil and gas industry;
7. Economics and management in the oil and gas industry;
8. Humanitarian science;
9. Legal support for the development of the oil and gas industry;
10. Presentation of scientific reports in English.

The jury of the section sessions noted the high and high-quality level of student research work.

In connection with the participation of students of foreign universities, the organizing committee of the conference decided to change the status of the conference to «international scientific student conference», starting next year.